The best Swedish meatballs recipe ever! Season ground beef and pork with nutmeg and cardamom, then serve with creamy Swedish meatballs sauce. Ikea meatballs...
This different and delicious twist on an All-American favorite combines ground beef and pork with onion soup mix, picante sauce, eggs, green peppers, bread...
A savory, moist homestyle meatloaf that includes cornbread crumbs, corn, jalapenos, pepperjack cheese, onion, garlic, and more. This is a mild, yummy version...
Tasty ground pork patties with bread crumbs, onion and spices in a sweet and sour sauce. Great for a quick and easy dinner! Serve over cooked noodles or...
Tasty ground pork patties with bread crumbs, onion and spices in a sweet and sour sauce. Great for a quick and easy dinner! Serve over cooked noodles or...
I make this for my family every year around this time...and I feel you might like it as well. It also makes a wonderful addition to regular Thanksgiving...
I've been working hard on the best burgers for a long time. I've found this relatively simple recipe to be delicious and rich in flavor, with the lard...
This is a rice recipe with a different little kick. You can either make it as hot or as mild as you like it, depending on your taste for spiciness. This...
This is a rice recipe with a different little kick. You can either make it as hot or as mild as you like it, depending on your taste for spiciness. This...
This is a rice recipe with a different little kick. You can either make it as hot or as mild as you like it, depending on your taste for spiciness. This...
This version of the popular army dish, usually made with creamed chipped beef, uses pork sausage. Just add flour, milk, onions and seasoning and you've...
This version of the popular army dish, usually made with creamed chipped beef, uses pork sausage. Just add flour, milk, onions and seasoning and you've...
This version of the popular army dish, usually made with creamed chipped beef, uses pork sausage. Just add flour, milk, onions and seasoning and you've...
These juicy and tender mini pork burgers are awesome any time of the year, but keep them in mind for game day or tailgating food. We like them topped with...
Each bite of this mozzarella-stuffed meatloaf bursts with flavor. Great to make ahead for guests. It's a hit every time! This recipe makes quite a large...
The base of this recipe came from our area, the German community of a small town in Delhi, Ontario Canada. I've tweaked it a bit over time. My family loves...
The base of this recipe came from our area, the German community of a small town in Delhi, Ontario Canada. I've tweaked it a bit over time. My family loves...
Lightly seasoned with just a touch of sweetness, these breakfast sausages are great addition to your breakfast plate. I make these in bulk for a quick...
This recipe is a Christmas tradition first given to me by my French-Canadian sister-in-law in the form of a lovely homemade pie. Her family has made dozens...
A few months ago I saw a pie image on Twitter so creepy and disturbing that I actually questioned whether it was too terrifying to post as a video. Usually,...
These meatballs are so huge you might just say "yippee-ki-yay!" This is a spaghetti and meatball dinner, fit for Detective Lieutenant John McClane (Bruce...
This recipe is a Christmas tradition first given to me by my French-Canadian sister-in-law in the form of a lovely homemade pie. Her family has made dozens...
This recipe is a Christmas tradition first given to me by my French-Canadian sister-in-law in the form of a lovely homemade pie. Her family has made dozens...
This recipe is a Christmas tradition first given to me by my French-Canadian sister-in-law in the form of a lovely homemade pie. Her family has made dozens...
Not terribly spicy, this hunter's chili can be kicked up with hot sauce for those who like it hotter, but is pretty flavorful. Beef can be used instead...
Serve on white or whole-wheat buns with wasabi slaw and pickles. I make them on the drier side so they are not impossible to eat - tweak the recipe to...
One of my family's favorite comfort foods is the lowly meat pie. Lowly? It's actually full of flavor and, if made right, looks delicious as well. This...
One of my family's favorite comfort foods is the lowly meat pie. Lowly? It's actually full of flavor and, if made right, looks delicious as well. This...
What can I say...I love rhubarb and its versatility. This is a sweet/spicy sausage that is delicious smoked with hickory wood chips. I fried a test patty...
These savory rolled chicken breasts filled with a delicious pork and rosemary mixture make a delightful reprieve from the usual chicken fare. Go ahead,...
These meatballs are so huge you might just say "yippee-ki-yay!" This is a spaghetti and meatball dinner, fit for Detective Lieutenant John McClane (Bruce...
These juicy and tender mini pork burgers are awesome any time of the year, but keep them in mind for game day or tailgating food. We like them topped with...
A spicy bison lasagna recipe, designed to make the shopping for ingredients easy, and no fancy kitchen tools or skills required. Adjust the peri-peri sauce...